Motor vehicles registered in Queensland are insured for personal injury caused by, through or in connection with that vehicle. This insurance is known as Compulsory Third Party Insurance or CTP Insurance. Fault by the person in control of the vehicle at the time of the accident must be proven.
The insurance covers the personal injury but does not cover damage to motor vehicle. The property damage to your vehicle can separately be claimed upon either your insurer or against the person who cause the accident.
A claim cannot be commenced until you report the accident to the police. The police will provide you with a traffic incident number.
If the vehicle which caused the accident cannot be identified or is unregistered, then the claim is made against a government department called The Nominal Defendant. The Nominal Defendant acts as the CTP insurer.
A Notice of Accident Claim Form must be completed and sent to the CTP insurer or The Nominal Defendant within:
For an unidentified vehicle within three months of the date of the accident
For any other vehicles within nine (9) months of the date of the accident
One month after consulting a lawyer
There is more information below, however if you just wish to tell us about your specific incident, click on Proceed at the bottom of the page. Let us help you fill in the required paperwork and explain the claims process. We come to you.
If you would like to enquire about making a claim please click here and take a few minutes to fill in this form. Will will get back to you within 24 hours.